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Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday.

It is pure in intent, commercially untarnished and intrinsically healing. It is a time to be with our families, real and/or chosen, and indulge in every way. However, many dislike the holidays because they must revisit any unresolved issues of anger, resentment, and guilt which may be crippling factors in their familial relationships. As a Spiritual Medium, I spend a great deal of my time bringing through messages for my clients from their deceased loved ones. In my experience, once the spirit connects dynamically with my client, the healing portion of the reading begins. The Loved One will begin to speak from their Higher Self and talk of karma. This is often the most emotional and potent portion of the reading. I cannot tell you how many times the messages are ones requesting resolution and healing. We choose our families and friends like a great bouquet that will positively activate and demand our transformation. It is also perfectly human to avoid such personal change. However, anger, resentment, and guilt not only deeply affect our systems emotionally and mentally, they can create disease in our physical body. Most tragically, the minute we allow these three powers to rule, we distance ourselves from the pure love of Spirit. Free will is our grandest creativity. We can choose to love or to be a diminished reflection of Spirit. Since we all seek acknowledgment, the quickest way to start transforming our pain is through gratitude. Thank you is just a stepping stone in the right direction. It feels great to say and people love to hear it. Whether you are having a great day or a lesser day, a little thank you here and there can really change it all around. It gets you out of your personal muck and mire and back into your heart. Try it, you might like it. Oh, and thank you for reading this. ;-)

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July Mediumship Intensive

July 22, 2017

Join Spiritual Medium Austyn Wells for a day focused upon taking your Mediumship to the next level.  We will work on deepening your trust in the Spirit world through group and individual exercises, as well as meditation.  Get ready for an intensive day of practice, practice, practice.
$ 150

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